
Baleia Blu Ceramics

Handmade by Adette Contreras in Brooklyn, NY. Inspired by a big blue whale and our little blue planet.

Studio Time - Glazing Away

Studio Time - Glazing Away

Welp, the last batch that came out was very disheartening. Haven't really felt like going to the ceramics studio on account of just how ugly those pieces turned out. But! Lesson learned: don't rush glazing day. Just don't even bother. Go eat a slice of pizza instead of trying to rush the glazing process. 

That's the thing about glazing. It's easily my least favorite part of the whole process. I find it tedious and yet, so risky. I mean, after wedging, centering, throwing, pulling, wiring, drying, trimming, and firing the greenware... here you are with these gorgeous snow-white bisque pieces, and one wrong move can throw out all that hard work out the window. Thrilling.

So today, I decided to be super slow about. Step by step, just like I learned in high school. 

The seaworld glaze is a nice aqua / seafoam color when it's used by itself on the clay. However, when it's on glossy white, the color is much deeper and nuanced: more like a navy blue / black with borders of bright cobalt blue... and lots of fun texture when the glazes run together. I am hopeful for this batch.



Miniature Cocotte Inspiration

Miniature Cocotte Inspiration