
Baleia Blu Ceramics

Handmade by Adette Contreras in Brooklyn, NY. Inspired by a big blue whale and our little blue planet.

A New Website

A New Website

Now that I'm feeling good with the product photography, it's time to kick this back into overdrive. Spent a chunk of time today cranking on the website. Decided to essentially do the shop through Squarespace because the fees are lower than Shopify, and I (mistakenly) figured it would be easier to migrate blog content from one Squarespace site to another Squarespace site. Of course, it was ridiculously inefficient and involved me first exporting all of adettecontreras.com content to a Wordpress site, then from Wordpress I imported the entire site, then selected to export only the blog, THEN brought it back in and imported into Squarespace. Don't get me started.

But, I like where it's heading. Altered the logo a little bit in order to fit the format. (Feeling a bit neutral about the logo, now that I'm seeing it again for the first time in a while.) For the site, I like that I can manually choose which images to feature on the homepage... whether a new product in the shop or a new entry in the blog. I like the flexibility.

Also liking the black paper, for the product shots. Started to process some of them, to really get a feel for how they'll sit together in layout, and the lighting is very satisfying. Just had to tweak the levels slightly in Photoshop and clone out some dust on the floor, but no other major edits from there.

Settled on Raleway for sans serif and flipping back and forth between a Caslon and a heavier serif typeface, but the blues are working nicely for me.

Moving the blog over proved to be a royal pain. Happy it eventually worked through the Wordpress detour, but honestly, why hasn't someone built that into the functionality yet? So, it involved me manually going in and re-uploading the thumbnail images for each entry. Oh, the things that we do.

So that's where we're at so far! Next up: uploading product shots and pricing information. Also, thinking about how to integrate it with the donation arm. Almost there...

Calçada da Baleia

Calçada da Baleia

Product Photography

Product Photography