
Baleia Blu Ceramics

Handmade by Adette Contreras in Brooklyn, NY. Inspired by a big blue whale and our little blue planet.

Cutting Into It

Cutting Into It

Getting better and better. Been drilling with my cylinders for the summer term and working on not being too precious about the clay. Embracing the lack of control is the whole exercise, so I'm cutting deeper into it.

Here's a cylinder I was really fond of. Felt really good on the wheel and really even–no discernible wobble. Wasn't sure how the thickness at the bottom was, since that's where my pots tend to be a little heavy. Very happy to see the improvement, in a just a few months. The walls are pretty uniform. Slightly thicker towards the bottom but not by much at all.

On to the next one.

Grays and Earth Tones

Grays and Earth Tones

Aqua Blues and Blush Reds

Aqua Blues and Blush Reds